wild earth movement
Environmental Education

wild earth movement
About Us
Wild Earth Movement is an environmental not -for-profit organisation with a strong focus on waste and plastic pollution. We are based in the West Midlands, UK.
We are community led, and by that we mean that, what people want, we try to deliver. We host all sorts of events, sessions, workshops and activities around the West Midlands and beyond.
From community litter picking events to kids birthday parties, we really want to make it our mission to include everybody we can, in some way or another. We are passionate about equality and diversity and want to break down whatever barriers stand in the way of people being able to connect with nature and our planet.
Throughout the year we host multiple plastic free, sustainable markets that supports smaller businesses. These events take place throughout the West Midlands and attract 1000's of visitors.
If you're interested in learning more, please come along to one of our upcoming events, connect with us on social media or contact us.
We rely on bookings, fundraising events and grants to keep this movement moving so please do support us by sharing our information, joining us for a workshop, fundraising for us, following us on social media or letting us know if your workplace offer funding opportunities.
Lastly if you love what we do, please consider joining the team! Don't be shy, get in touch!
Meet The Team

Lover of the ocean, animals, up cycling and really old things! You'll find Hannah at most of our sessions, pop ups and workshops gushing over flowers, tin cans or pebbles. She's a workaholic, sleeps, eats and dreams all things Wild Earth Movement. Ever since she was little she's wanted to be a marine biologist! She's easily recognisable by her vast array of cool recycled leggings. AKA (by some) as "Lady Earth".

wem leader
Becky is patient, calm and great with little ones. She has a degree in early years and loves to be outdoors. She's always at the beach or in the woods teaching her family about looking after the planet. She works many of our pop up weekend events and is a real gem in the WEM team.

"My names Glenn I'm the old man of the organisation!
It's the outdoor life for me. I love birdwatching and sitting out in the fresh air. My tasks at WEM are to do all the dirty jobs like washing up, glueing, cutting out shapes - I'm a very busy man!"

wem leader
Lily is our face painting, eco queen! She's super smiley, creative and could upcycle a bin bag if you gave her the chance.
She likes yoga, swimming and is super adventurous. You'll find her at our weekend events and is a real asset to the team.

activities assistant
You might bump into Lee at a workshop or event. She quite often is on refreshment duties or making sure everything is running smoothly quietly in the background.

opps support
Emma is an Earth loving mom of 4, who tries to teach her kids the value of looking after the planet. She loves tree hugging, moon bathing and grounding herself in nature. Often seen at events with at least one of her own children in tow, she also is the brains behind WEM and keeps Hannah on track!

WEm leader

head of fundraising

Wem leader

Like all small businesses, engagement on our posts means so much. The more you hit the like, save, comment and share buttons, the more Instagram and Facebook robots think our posts are good enough to show others. When you give us a follow we do a happy dance!
Here are some other ways in which you can help out:
Join our clean-ups, tell your friends, bring your dogs & send us your photos.
Share, like, and save our social media posts on Facebook and Instagram.
Tag us in your photos @wildearthmovement
Book into one of our eco workshops.
If you work or have contact with a school please talk about us and get us involved.
If you have access to funding, grants or donations please let us know or nominate us.
Support our raffles/ fundraisers and tombolas.
If you run a business and would like to donate some of your products for prizes, please reach out.
Sponsor an event.
Donate any unwanted crafts supplies you have.
Volunteer your time or join the team.